NAIOP Takeaways 25 – April 2022 Program: Return to Office! Current and Future Trends

July 06, 2022
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TAKEAWAYS – Life. Lessons. Learned.

Every month, NAIOP hosts a breakfast panel featuring experts and community leaders. This month, the focus is economic development and commercial real estate in Nevada. After a brief intro of the program that I recorded, you will hear the panelists themselves and the program in its entirety! I hope you enjoy!

Rapidly Changing: Southern Nevada Office Market

In the midst of the COVID shutdown, while everyone was adjusting to working from home and video conferencing, many of us began to wonder what the office would be like after restrictions were lifted. There was skepticism that some jobs would never go back into the office. Since the pandemic, the office market has seen and continues to see massive shifts. It’s clear that people want flexibility and that people are choosing to come to the office for collaboration and atmosphere. This panel gave a really comprehensive overview of where the market is now and where the office market is headed.

NAIOP April Speakers

Nick Barber, Senior Vice President of JLL

Tom van Betten, Vice President of Development for Matter Real Estate Group

 Our moderator was Kyle Nagy, Founder and Director of CommCap Advisors.

 The sponsor that morning was Helix Electric!


What were some of the Takeaways?

  • Are Southern Nevada companies inviting employees back into the office?
  • What does hybrid actually mean for office workers here in Las Vegas?
  • How do creative experiences in office developments help attract tenants and/or retain talent?
  • How tight is the office market now and what could cause it to be tight in the next five years?


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