
Takeaways – NAIOP Breakfast February

February 18, 2017
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Thursday, February 16th the NAIOP Southern Nevada breakfast featured the Len Jessup, President of UNLV. His presentation was title Building a New Future! Like any great leader, Len gave due credit to his team. He mentioned more than once David Frommer, Executive Director UNLV Planning and Construction. David is the “Father of the UNLV 10 year Master Plan.”

On Wednesday of this week CCIM held an Industrial Developers Panel. I did not write up a Takeaway because we put it up on Facebook Live. Click here to go back and watch. There was a Takeaway, however, that I want to share because it segues beautifully into my experience this morning. John Ramous with Harsch Investment Properties said staying connected with active brokers (like those who were in the room) can make the difference in being a successful developer – because you can know about things that very few people know about.

John articulated my Takeaway from Len Jessup’s presentation. It seems like in a blink of an eye… all of a sudden… UNLV is doing all this great stuff! But it didn’t happen in the blink of an eye, or all of a sudden. When you scroll through bellow you may be impressed, as I was, at just how much good stuff our beloved UNLV is doing. And… doing well!

The opening theme from Len was that UNLV is in a state of renaissance. A rebirth, like in the 14th century, became a movement which included culture and inspired architecture. We are 1 year into the 10 year plan, and Len is 2 years into his tenure. The objective of the 10 year plan – to be a high performing, community engaged, Tier 1 University. Ok, how?

Focus on 5 areas:

  1. Research
  2. The Student Experience
  3. Medical School
  4. Community Engagement
  5. Infrastructure

The bulk of his presentation from this point focused on number 5. There was SO much shared that I didn’t capture it all. Here are the highlights.


  • UNLV has 29,000 students
  • With moderate 2%-3% growth it will reach 40,000 by the end of the 10 year plan
  • Dispelling a misconception – 75% of the 29,000 student are fulltime
  • UNLV is now a bigger residential campus than UNR – it is NO LONGER a commuter campus
  • UNLV is the 2nd most diverse campus in the country


    • Thomas and Mack has received a $72 million top to bottom update. Something not done since 1999
    • Marnell Club House was built for $3.75 million in a public/private partnership
    • The Hospitality building is well under construction design by Carpenter Sellers Del Gatto Architects (they also sponsored the breakfast – Thank you!)
    • The Hospitality program remains among the Top in the nation
    • University Park Apartments is being developed by The Midby Companies– replacing the old Cottage Grove Apartments on the north end of campus
    • The Gateway Project– 820 space parking garage and new home for UNLV Police Department
    • Harry Reid Research and Technology Park has found a development partner in the Gardner Company
    • The UNLV School of Medicine – there is SO much happening around this its aweing
  • The Lee Business School is bursting at the seams – new building could go between FDH and Tam Alumni Center – this would free up Beam Hall for an upgrade
  • The Fertitta Football Complex will be the new home of UNLV Football
  • And the UNLV North Campus is 2,000 acres currently being cleaned by Army Corp of Engineers – should be turned over to UNLV in 2 years opening up possibilities in drone and electric vehicle research
  • The 42 acres that UNLV purchased on Tropicana and Koval could either become a collegiate stadium or mixed use retail campus


Let me add this. As a native. As a UNLV graduate. How unbelievable awesome!! I left the breakfast proud. I left inspired. It is not just UNLV going through a renaissance. Our little gambling town is in full metamorphosis to a world class city. The efforts of the University and all its supporters are doing more than their share towards that end!

NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, is the leading organization for developers, owners and related professionals in office, industrial and mixed-use real estate.


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