Takeaways Podcast – S4:E48 – NAIOP March Program: A Haas Story: The Evolution of Manufacturing in Southern Nevada.

April 12, 2021
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TAKEAWAYS – Life. Lessons. Learned. explores learning from the wisdom of others.

I am back with my co-host MARIANNA HUNNICUTT with KIMLEY HORN. In this episode, we recap our Takeaways from the NAIOP Southern Nevada March Program. The title was If You Build It, Will They Come? A Haas Story: The Evolution of Manufacturing in Southern Nevada. The sponsor that morning was Knit.

This was the third in a series of conversations that spun out of the January NAIOP Program. The focus was on economic diversification in Southern Nevada, specifically around manufacturing. The moderator, who also doubled as a keynote, was Betsy Fretwell, Senior Vice President Switch CITIES and Chairwoman Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance

The panelists included:

What were some of the Takeaways?

• What are the 6 key sectors the LVGEA is focusing on for economic development? 
• Who is Haas and what are they developing on their 300 acres?
• Why is NAIOP Southern Nevada so dang amazing!!

I hope you enjoy!

You can find Takeaways at any of the links below:

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